Convert Binance USD to Tether
Current exchange rates on Allbridge Core
#{{"FROM": {"CHAIN": "BSC", "TOKEN": "BUSD", "AMOUNT": 1}, "TO": {"CHAIN": "ETH", "TOKEN": "USDT"}}}#
#{{"FROM": {"CHAIN": "BSC", "TOKEN": "BUSD", "AMOUNT": 1}, "TO": {"CHAIN": "BSC", "TOKEN": "USDT"}}}#
#{{"FROM": {"CHAIN": "BSC", "TOKEN": "BUSD", "AMOUNT": 1}, "TO": {"CHAIN": "TRX", "TOKEN": "USDT"}}}#
#{{"FROM": {"CHAIN": "BSC", "TOKEN": "BUSD", "AMOUNT": 1}, "TO": {"CHAIN": "POL", "TOKEN": "USDT"}}}#
Exchange Binance USD to Tether
To exchange it to Tether USD with Allbridge Core, you firstly need to access the bridge app.
Select BNB Chain and BUSD in the “Swap from” section and USD Tether, as well as the preferred network in the “Swap to” field. We will use the Polygon as the destination network in this example.
Select the amount, click “Send,” and the transaction will be initiated. Under the hood, the bridge will change the assets on the source chain to the virtual value transfer tokens, which will be transferred via the selected protocol (Core currently offers the support of Wormhole or Allbridge messaging).
When the transaction is initiated, assets are exchanged on the BNB Chain to the virtual value transfer tokens. These tokens then transmit the information through the specified messaging protocol.
Once the message reaches Polygon, it triggers the smart contract to exchange the virtual assets into the native stablecoin on Solana and finalize the cross-chain swap.
How to convert BUSD to USDT
To quickly get you up to speed on how to swap BUSD to USDT, it is best to consult our tutorial section.
We prepared a detailed visual guide showing how to convert stablecoins between blockchains with Allbridge Core.
Please use the following link to visit our documentation.
BUSD to USDT Exchange Rate
Our BUSD to USDT calculator above monitors the current exchange price for BUSD/USDT.
Currently, the platform offers cross-chain swaps to USDT available on Ethereum, BNB Chain, Tron, and Polygon, with more chains on the way.
The several components determine the fee for exchanging Binance USD to Tether: the liquidity fee and the swap fee.
The liquidity fees are fixed at 0.15% per single chain. Thus, a cross-chain swap would charge a 0.3% fee.
The swap fee takes into account the liquidity pool balances available for every asset. When the exchange between a virtual token and the stablecoin occurs, it decreases the token’s price, which affects the swap fee.
The best way to trackthe current fees is to input the transferred values and the bridge UI, and it will show a detailed rundown of the swap costs.